onsdag 16 mars 2016

Spagyric Elixir of Galium Aparine

Galium Aparine Spagyric Tincture

Cleavers is a humble little forestplant that clings to other plants and everybody she meets like velcro. Native Americans call Cleavers Deermedicine. Deers like to sleep on  a bed of cleavers. The Deertype is often tall, slender, with prominent  joints , sensitive  and nervous just as Cleavers. I see it that the Deertype has antlers like cosmic antennae that pick up on everything, highly intuitive and sensitive folk. A typical Vataconstitution and is suited for Vatas , people with high Vata or people entering the Vata stage of the lifecycle.
This herb is slightly cooling and get´s the bodys inner ocean flowing. It supports the immunesystem, kidneys and urinarytract, the lymphatic system and gets stagnant chi – the lifeforce flowing again where it has accumulated and become stagnant in hot spots. It is moistening for dry tissues, grounding and mildly calming to the nerves.
Cleavers correspond to the Water Element and reflects Venus. The inner waters are our emotions and feelings. Venus rules the kidneys and has to do with all kinds of relationships. . This is where Cleavers can help us to find balance. In loverelationships where one is a Cleaver : clinging, and the other is taking a distance , this plant can be miraculous.
Cleavers is teaching us how to go with the flow, flexibility, how to relax and let go and release what no longer serves us. Addictive patterns, fixed ideas, dependancies and all type of relationships that is preventing us from being free.
I use cleavers in my Stop Smoking Support for this reason.
Cleavers is also very good for Writers Block or Artist´s  Funk. Several writers and artist have with the help of the Cleavers Spagyric Tincture found the creative juices flowing again.

The Spagyric tincture of Galium Aparine can be ordered by writing me: turtleok@hotmail.com
150 kr + shipping for 10 ml

It contains the tincture, essential oil and purified and calcinated mineral salts of Galium Aparine.

The Spagyric tincture of Galium Aparine can be ordered by writing me  : turtleok@hotmail.com
150 kr + shipping for 10 ml

It contains the tincture, essential oil and purified and calcinated mineral salts of Galium Aparine.

                                            Distilling the Essential oil of Galium Aparine

  Cleavers is covered by little hooks that clings like everybody and everything she meets like Velcro.
This is an important clue in understanding her actions.

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